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Smiling In Photos

If you’ve ever had braces or been embarrassed about showing off your smile because of the appearance of your teeth, then you know how difficult and stressful it is when someone says those two words: say cheese. To help put you more at ease when the impromptu photo-op comes up, we’ve put together some tips…

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Chocolate And Your Health

Chocolate does have a bad reputation for being a danger to your waistline and your oral health, however in moderation and depending on the chocolate, it can also have some health benefits. Recent studies from around the world have given us some insight on why its okay to snack on the sweet treat from time…

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Best Time For Your Child To Get Braces

It’s a rite of passage for many kids taking that trip to the orthodontist for braces. Some kids are excited about getting multi-colored bands on their teeth; others might be a little nervous of the pressure of getting your wires tightened. As a parent, you may be wondering how old your child should be to…

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Coffee, Tea and Your Smile

Coffee and tea are notorious for leaving you with a dull, slightly yellowed smile. I am a big coffee drinker myself, so I understand the joys of that morning cup of joe. But sadly, coffee is one of the main causes of stains on the tooth enamel. The dark color bonds quickly to the teeth,…

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Bad Breath Roots

There are numerous factors that can cause a stinky mouth, such as smoking and the types of food you eat (as anyone whose eaten garlic fries knows!) Some diseases can also cause bad breath, such as diabetes, sinus infections and even some cancers. But from the dentists perspective, brushing and flossing daily is one of…

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Don’t Let Dental Benefits Expire

Unlike a dog, dental benefits do not roll over. That’s because most dental insurance plans are on a calendar year. So, at midnight December 31, any benefits left on the table will disappear like Cinderella at the ball. Unless you actually like throwing money away, its time to call your dentist (or find one fast),…

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Get a New Smile for the New Year

Yellow is a lovely color for bananas, but for teeth, not so much. Are you the one who always looks like the grim reaper in the family photo album? Want a whiter smile? See a dentist about professional teeth whitening. Its a lot easier than learning Photoshop. Once you have a shiny smile, try these…

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Oral Health And Good Foods

We don’t tend to give our teeth much thought as we chomp through the day, that is, unless something is wrong. Sugars, acids, extreme temperatures, as well as the daily onslaught of chewing and biting can really do a number on our teeth. For those who have suffered from tooth pain due to damage, you…

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Five Helpful Hints From Your Dentist

Don’t fear the dental hygienist! We might seem intimidating with our shiny silver tools, but we’re really your biggest allies in the battle against the real bad guys plaque, periodontal disease and tooth decay. People are always asking me the shortcuts to dental hygiene. Sorry folks: there’s no substitute for brushing twice daily, flossing regularly,…

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Kid Appropriate Dental Visit Age

If you’re wondering if your child is old enough for the dentist, the answer is probably yes. Many parents are shocked when I tell them how early they should start thinking about their kids oral health. Experts recommend that brushing begin as early as six months, (or as soon as your child’s first tooth appears)…

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