How much do Clear Aligners cost?
Clear aligner costs depend on the complexity of your case, the smile you you’d like to have, length of treatment and if supplementary dental work is needed to get the desired result. Typically, the cost is $2,300 to $4,600 which is far cheaper than braces. And keep in mind, like braces, dental insurance should cover a portion of the cost. Your best bet is to book a free consultation. At your appointment we can give you an estimate of your costs based on the treatment plan your dentist recommends and we can contact your insurance company and find out how much they’ll cover. If your insurance doesn’t cover your entire cost, don’t worry—you have other options. If you have a flexible spending account, you can pay with pre-tax dollars. Or, you can take advantage of our $0 Down 0% financing (OAC). No matter which option you choose, we’ll help you figure it out so you can get the smile you want.