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Pedodontics or Pediatric Dentistry

Saturday - June 25th, 2022

As the name implies, pediatric dentistry is the field of medicine that deals with dentists for children. A children’s dentist specializes in the care of a child’s small mouth and teeth, normally including braces, invisible braces, crowns, fillings, cleanings, plates, x-rays, and similar tools in everyday work. Caring for the growing mouth of a child is hard work, and requires more education for the specialty of pediatric dentistry.A pediatric dentist can give parents and caregivers special information regarding habits that can cause trouble later, such as thumb sucking, cavity-causing eating habits, and much more. They also understand the process of teeth growing, falling out, and allowing adult teeth to grow. Sometimes, teeth must be pulled for a variety of reasons, even for small children.Dentists for children are not solely concerned with tooth maintenance. They are also a vital part of a healthy smile as an adult, and can help a child grow up with an improved self-image. Learning about things that make a child healthy and happy is an important part of being a good parent, and finding a dentist that specializes in pediatric dentistry can do just that. Our pediatric dental specialists are trained to deal with the unique needs of children. This includes calming their fears, specialized equipment and educating them about good oral health.