5 Tips for a Healthy Family Summer Vacation
Wednesday - September 21st, 2016
Are you looking forward to a summer vacation?
Whether your plans involve flying, driving, or taking a train, here are some ways to make sure nothing gets in the way of enjoying your time off.
- List medications & medical information: Make a list of your family’s medications so you don’t forget to pack any of them. Also, bring your doctor’s contact information, your health insurance information, and a list of medical issues and immunizations records (if going overseas). Make sure the family sees the doctor before vacation and gets up to date on vaccinations.
- Pack a first-aid kit: A travel first-aid kit can be a lifesaver. Make sure yours includes over-the-counter painkillers, anti-diarrhea and anti-nausea pills, bandages, antibiotic cream, gauze, and hand sanitizer.
- Bring healthy snacks: Sometimes it can be hard to find healthy snacks on your travels, especially if you’re on the road and there’s nothing but gas stations and fast food. Try bringing veggies with hummus, fresh and dried fruits, low-sugar breakfast bars, and trail mix to easily eat on the go.
- Keep hands clean: Getting the whole family to wash their hands thoroughly and frequently is one of the easiest ways to avoid getting sick, especially in busy travel places like airports or bus stations.
- Manage jet lag: If you’re traveling across time zones, jet lag can affect your family’s emotional and physical wellbeing. Make sure everyone gets plenty of sleep before traveling, and try to adjust your sleep schedule a couple days before you leave.