Candy From Us!

Dentists are usually pretty predictable this time of year:
Your dentist tells you to stay away from Halloween candy, and the dentist on your street hands out toothbrushes, mini toothpaste tubes or pennies.This year, we thought wed take a bit of a different tack.
Look, we know you’re going to eat candy. We get it. We eat the stuff, too. Its not good for you, its not good for your teeth everyone knows that, but its Halloween, and we all want to give ourselves a pass and indulge. So here’s what were going to do: Were going to give you candy, as well as some supplies to take care of your teeth.
From now through the end of the month, you can head over to our Facebook page and sign up to win a box of vintage candy, as well as a dental kit. Well also be spending the month giving you some practical advice on this blog and on our social media pages to tell you why candy is bad for you, why its important to take care of your teeth and what you can do to reduce the chances of getting cavities and ending up in one of our dentists chairs unexpectedly. To reiterate: You really should avoid candy. But if you don’t, you should at least know how to decrease your odds of candy giving you problems.