You Should Have This Kit
Most people have a first aid kit at home, sometimes even in their car or camping kit, but have you considered putting together an emergency dental kit?
It can really come in handy in the event of a loose crown, toothache, broken or even knocked out tooth when you don’t have immediate access to a dentist. Here’s a list of items we recommend you have on hand in case of a dental emergency:
- Toothpick
- Temporary cement (Great for broken or loose crowns/fillings)
- Cotton
- Toothache drops
- Tweezers
- Temporary filling
- Dental Wax (The go-to item for broken braces)
- Hand sanitizer
- Gauze
- Gloves
- Clean water
- Dental floss
- Denture repair material (if needed)
For simple, clean storage, use a large Tupperware or latching pencil box to keep everything together. Be sure to gather all the contents first so you know how much space you need. You can also find kits that are already packaged and available for purchase at a number of retail locations and online, but be sure to consult your dentist to make sure you’ll have everything you need for an emergency. And of course, be sure to call your local dentist office if a dental emergency comes up!