3 Craft Ideas to Get Kids Excited About the Summer Olympics

While you’ve been eagerly awaiting the summer Olympics this year, your kids may need a little help getting excited. Here are some fun activities for your kids to do to help them get in the Olympic spirit.
Make an Olympic torch
Materials:Yellow, red and orange tissue paper, white printer paper, tape and hot glue.
Directions:Have your kids draw whatever they think represents the Olympics on the printerpaper, then have them roll the paper into a cone shape and tape it closed. Next,have them arrange the tissue paper in the cone so it looks like flames. Once they have the paper arranged the way they want, hot glue the tissue papers into the cone, and the torch is complete.
Make Mini Olympic Ring Bites
Materials:Mini rice cakes, light cream cheese or peanut butter, sliced strawberries,sliced kiwis, sliced bananas, blueberries and raisins.
Directions:Spread a thin later of cream cheese or peanut butter onto 5 mini rice cakes.Top each rice cake with one of the fruit toppings, then arrange on a plate to look like the Olympic rings.
Make Salt Dough Olympic Medals
Materials:1 cup of salt, 1 cup all purpose flour, _ water, red ribbon and kid-friendlymetallic paint.
Directions:Thoroughly mix the salt and the flour together in a bowl and then gradually add the water. Knead the mixture until it has a dough-like consistency. Roll the dough out and using a cookie cutter, cut circle or octagon shapes out of the dough. Using a straw, punch a hole into each one of the medal shapes. Bake the medals in the over at 210 F for two hours, flipping them over once. Once the medals are done baking and have completely cooled, have your kids paint themedals gold, silver and bronze and thread red ribbon through the hole to finish them off.