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Glossary of Dental Terms

A handy reference

Common Dental Terms

We’ve put together this handy reference guide of terms you might hear when speaking with your dentist or support staff.

Please don’t hesitate to ask your dental care provider for clarification. We’re here to help make your experience as pleasant as possible!


Local Antimicrobial Agents are mediations placed in gum pockets to reduce infection and inflammation.


A thin plastic or porcelain veneer produced in a dental laboratory and then bonded to a tooth.

Laughing Gas

Nitrous oxide, an odorless inhalation agent that produces relative analgesic (sedation), and reduces anxiety and creates a state of relaxation.


Injury of bodily tissue due to infection, trauma or neoplasm.

Local Anesthesia

Partial or complete elimination of pain sensation, in the immediate vicinity of its application or injection.


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