3 Dentists Tips For A Cleaner Mouth

From cars to laundry, there are just some things that deserve a good deep cleaning from time to time. Your dental care is no different. Here are three tips dentists recommend to deeply refresh your mouth.
Tip #1: Go electric. Try swapping your manual toothbrush for an electric one. Studies show electric toothbrushes are better at removing plaque and cleaning hard-to-reach places like the gum line and the backs of your molars. Many also have a two-minute timer to help you brush for the right amount of time.
Tip #2: Try a prescription mouthwash. Next time you visit your dentist, you might want to ask about prescription mouthwash. They are antimicrobial, which means they can help decrease bacteria in the mouth, may protect against gingivitis and reduce gum swelling and bleeding.
Tip #3: Deep cleanse. A professional deep cleaning with the dentist is also known as scaling and root planning. Scaling removes plaque and tartar from the surface and the pockets between teeth and gums. Root planning removes plaque and tarter from the surface and roots. Together, they leave you with a much fresher mouth.
Extra steps like these can help you ensure your mouth is wonderfully refreshed all year long.
- http://www.colgate.com/app/CP/US/EN/OC/Information/Articles/ColgateNewandNow/Personal/2014/March/article/SW-281474979268562.cvsp
- http://www.freysmiles.com/images/uploads/general/The%20Ideal%20Oral%20Health%20Routine.pdf