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3 Ways to Get Your Kids Ready for School Oral Health Exam

Friday - June 29th, 2018
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It’s common for kids to be scared or nervous about visits to the dentist, and now many of them also have school oral health exams. We have all had exams that scared us, but this one is a no-brainer. Here are three easy ways to prepare for these exams.

    1. Make sure your children are brushing their teeth two times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening before bed. This prevents plaque build up on the teeth, and keeps their breath fresh.


    1. Floss, Floss, Floss! Keep your kid’s gums healthy by flossing once a day at minimum. Make this more fun for them by purchasing flavored floss and build it into their routine early on, so it doesn’t feel like an added chore.


  1. Open a dialogue about oral hygiene. Children may be nervous about going to the dentist – this is totally normal! Reassure them that caring for their physical health is an important part of their daily routine and can be a lot of fun. Try to maintain a positive attitude (even if you have had negative dental experiences), so that your children associate positive connotations with the dentist from a young age.

With these three easy steps your child should pass their oral health exams with flying colors! Make sure to also schedule your appointment before they start school.