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How to Navigate the Food Table at Winter Parties

With all the holiday parties happening this season, it’s hard to miss the inevitable food table. While some party table regulars are great picks, others should be avoided for the sake of you and your teeth. Here’s the best game plan for your next party: Skip over snacks and candies. Snacks: Salty snack foods like…

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BBQ Time? What to Bring, and What to Leave at Home

It’s officially barbecue season! In the spirit of dental health, here are some of the best and worst foods to throw on the grill: To Bring Grilled fish: Fish has many health benefits, and now scientists believe that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish can help fight gum disease and reduce inflammation caused by bacteria…

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Why Is Flossing Teeth So Important?

We know that not many people really love to floss. Many tell themselves that flossing isn’t that important, or that flossing every now and again will suffice. But the American Dental Association recommends that you floss at least once a day to maintain good oral health. Why is it important? Flossing removes food particles and…

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Signs, Symptoms, and Solutions for Teeth Grinding

Grinding your teeth at night can do real harm to your mouth. < Grinding and clenching can damage the teeth enamel and even l ead to chipped, fractured or broken teeth. Since most people grind at night when they’re sleeping, it can be hard to know for sure if you’re doing it. Here are some…

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The Less-Than-Sweet Side of Sugar

Sugar plays a major role in many Americans diets, but it’s also a dangerously unhealthy ingredient. New research shows that sugar may be more addictive than the drug cocaine. Americans also consume more sugar now then ever before, because processed foods tend to be loaded with it. Eating too much sugar can damage your teeth…

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Keeping Up Kids Dental Health In Summer

Just because summer is a vacation from school doesn’t mean it should be a vacation from taking care of teeth! While we fully support having a fun, relaxing summer with your kids, here are some tips to make sure their oral health doesn’t go by the wayside. Keep a routine: Summer means no more school,…

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4 Ways to Handle Your Bad Breath

To be plain, bad breath stinks. There are few things worse than having it except maybe a close conversation with someone else who has it! While you can’t change other people’s breath, there are a number of ways you can refresh yours. Maintain good oral health: Bacteria, gum disease, cavities or decaying food particles in…

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3 Ways to Make Your Whole Family’s Teeth Healthier Together

We would like to think it’s only our kids who need to be reminded to brush their teeth, but sometimes the whole family needs a refresher. Here are some ways to keep everyone’s teeth healthier, together. Use timers: Look into buying fun, interesting timers to track how long everyone brushes. There are a lot of…

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4 Questions to Ask Before Cutting Out Diary

More people than ever are deciding to go dairy free or limiting dairy in their diet. Proponents of a dairy-free diet claim that cutting out dairy gives you more energy, clears skin issues, and improves digestion. Others say that it is better for the environment and for the animals. Before you cut dairy from your…

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How to Master a Picture-Perfect Smile

No matter the season, there are many reasons to celebrate throughout the year. Of course, celebrations usually mean picture-taking. Is your smile ready for its close-up? Here’s how to get it into shape. Exercise your smile muscles. One of the best ways to get a great smile is with exercise. Smile as wide as you…

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