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Posts Tagged ‘castle dental’

Healthiest Green Foods: What To Look For

Doesn’t it seem like green foods are always the healthiest? Unless it’s artificially colored, chances are your green food is packed with nutrients. This month we’re celebrating green foods and St. Patrick’s Day by highlighting the healthiest choices in the produce aisle. Leafy Greens such as kale, collards, and spinach, are packed with calcium (great…

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4 Things Your Dentist Wants You To Know

We’ve all had the cardinal rules of good dental care instilled in our heads: brush for two full minutes, two times a day, plus flossing. However, your dentist probably wants you to cross a few other things off your list as well: Go easy on your teeth and gums. When you’re cleaning your house, aggressive…

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How To Maintain Healthy Gums

When we think about our dental care, we often forget about taking care of our gums. Unfortunately, gum disease is a common problem and many adults have a form of it. Gum disease can range from mild inflammation (gingivitis) to more serious (periodontitis). If left untreated, it can result in losing teeth and increased risk…

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5 Ways To Make The Tooth Fairy Love You

Although most kids don’t start losing baby teeth until around age 6, National Tooth Fairy Day is coming up February 28, and we think it’s a perfect way to begin the conversation about dental health. Here are some ways your kids can win the Tooth Fairy’s favor through sparkling, healthy teeth: Teach kids to avoid…

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How To Celebrate A Special Occasion With Teeth-Friendly Foods

Often, we think that delicious, unhealthy foods are a way to mark a celebration. Chocolates for anniversaries, fried foods for birthdays, and soda for special occasions are some of the ways we are all guilty of indulging. But with our dental and overall health in mind, it’s time to re-think using unhealthy foods to send…

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How To Make This A Toothache-Free Year

Did you know that February 9 is National Toothache Day? Although its origin is unknown, let’s celebrate it by exploring ways to avoid having one! Of course, the best way to prevent a toothache this year is by regularly visiting your dentist. However, sometimes you can’t avoid discomfort caused by dental reasons. Here are some…

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Surprising Facts About Children’s Dental Health

Happy National Children’s Dental Health Month! Every February, the American Dental Association sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month to build awareness about the importance of good dental care for kids. In honor of this cause, we wanted to share some surprising facts to drive home just how important it is! American students miss 51 million…

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Which Kind Of Toothpaste Is Right For You?

The toothpaste aisle seems to be overflowing with different options. Organic, natural, conventional, the list goes on. Do you know how to pick the best option for you and your family? Here’s how to find your toothpaste soul mate. Conventional toothpaste: Almost all conventional toothpaste contains abrasives (to help clean plaque off teeth), fluorides (to…

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Make Brushing Fun

Children often view brushing their teeth as another chore, and one that they like to avoid whenever possible. There’s no better time than Children’s Dental Health Month to change this perception and here’s how: It’s no secret that kids love games, so why not make brushing teeth a game? This can be an especially great…

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Discreetly Clean Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed is almost automatic for most people. Many people also brush right after meals, but when you’re out and about at the myriad holiday parties and gatherings that happen this time of year, it’s hard to fit in brushing, especially…

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